Bilete FiestaVaganza - Intenso Bailando

FiestaVaganza - Intenso Bailando
FiestaVaganza - Intenso Bailando
Funky Lounge Herastrau, Bucuresti
27 ianuarie 2023, Ora 21:00

Info eveniment: FiestaVaganza - Intenso Bailando

Atención, mi gente


You’ve already showed us your dance moves, but we feel that you can do better. Are you ready to take it to the next level? Here comes the perfect challenge: FIESTAVAGANZA - INTENSO BAILANDO! 


Until the 27th of January, we do encourage you to practice the most wild and crazy moves from your repertoir, cause it will be the night of your dance exam. Funky Lounge Herastrau will be the perfect place to steal the spotlight on the dancefloor. ⭐️


VILCU and RARESS C are known to be #LatinoLovers, and so they will lead you through a tango that will last ALL NIGHT LONG. They are ready, the only missing piece of the puzzle is YOU! 


And almost like Enrique said, may we have this dance forever? 


RSVP: +40 (721) 171 250.

Access is limited to 18+.

Please understand that we have the right to select our clients.


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