Bilete Interpol

Arenele Romane, Strada Cutitul de Argint nr. 26,sector 4, Bucuresti
20 iunie 2023, Ora 20:00

Info eveniment: Interpol

The icons of indie rock and post-punk revival, INTERPOL will perform in Bucharest on the 20th June 2023.


On June 20, the icons of indie rock and post-punk revival, the New York band Interpol, will perform at the Arenele Romane in Bucharest.

As at the very beginning of their career, Interpol are still far from outrageous on stage and in the studio - laconic, pulsating instrumental parts and arrangements not loaded with special effects hit right into the heart, and texts charged with a fair amount of psychedelia - into the head. These songs leave the listener a lot of space for reflection and imagination. The very case when black is the color of hope.

“Still in shape, my methods refined,” sings Paul Banks on ‘Toni’, the opening track and lead single from Interpol’s 7th LP The Other Side of Make-Believe. The album breaks fresh ground for the group: parallel to exploring the sinister undercurrents of contemporary life, Interpol’s new songs are imbued with pastoral longing and newfound grace. Daniel Kessler's serpentine guitar arrangements crest skywards, Samuel Fogarino shatters his percussive precision into strange metres, while Paul Banks’ sonorous voice exudes a vulnerability that is likely to catch most long-term fans of the band off guard. After all, says Banks, “there’s always a seventh time for a first impression.”

The concerts of the tour, which will cover the largest venues on both sides of the ocean, not only fresh anthems will sound, but also gold standards from all albums, so that connoisseurs of the band's early work and neophyte fans will certainly not quarrel. Paul Banks, Daniel Kessler and Sam Fogarino are in their best music shape – and will prove this live on the 20th June in Arenele Romane Bucharest at the concert that can not be missed.


Tickets on sale from April 14.










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