Bilete Adrian Eftimie

Adrian Eftimie
Adrian Eftimie
Chios Social Lounge, Parcul Central Simion Barnutiu, Cluj-Napoca
7 octombrie 2023, Ora 21:00

Info eveniment: Adrian Eftimie

Make sure to mark your calendars for October 7th at 9:00 PM because the incredibly talented artist ADRIAN EFTIMIE will be heating up the stage for the warm-up act, BODDO. Entrance to this event is just 50 lei, and it's an evening you won't want to miss.

Prepare to dive into the vibrant ambiance of CHIOS Social Experience, where you'll not only enjoy fantastic music but also savor exquisite cuisine. As the melodies fill the air, you'll have the opportunity to create lasting memories with your friends at Cluj's most prestigious dining venue. Don't let this outstanding experience pass you by – it's a harmonious blend of music, fine dining, and unforgettable camaraderie! 

#AdrianEftimieLive #CHIOSSocialBeats #MusicAndCuisine #UniqueExperience #VibrantRhythms #FriendshipAndFun

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